
You Can Rely On Us

We built our foundations in 1987, and have worked continuously since to build our client base. With over 35 years’ experience, 90% of our work comes from recommendations and word of mouth – that’s how you know you can rely on us! We don’t have any fancy advertising, we just do good work, and good work gets you noticed.

All work is carried out by professionally trained builders and tradespeople - we employ all of our staff, and they’re fully equipped with everything they need to get the job done. We are fully insured, and have Public Liability insurance for your peace of mind.

What Our Clients Say

  • We are extremely pleased with the high standard of your workmanship.

    Mr and Mrs Christopher

  • Thank you for your excellent building work. Very impressed by the professionalism of all your team who did a superb and thorough job.

    Mr D Marshall

  • Thank you for the wonderful work on our extension, everything is just as we planned, and we’re delighted with how it has runed out. The professionalism of all your workers meant that the disruption during works was kept to a minimum. The work was completed quickly, and you were all easy to deal with when questions or problems arose – that made a huge difference.

    Mr and Mrs Williams

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